Wednesday, April 29, 2015


When you were a little kid do you remember all of your family traditions? Well my family has had a lot of traditions passed down thought generations. My most favorite tradition is Christmas because we exchange gifts, my mom makes her delicious breakfast casserole, and we all get to go down to Florida to my parents’ house.

 Blake Smith
Bob has one of the weirdest personality because when he gets up in the morning he gets upset. But once he gets to work he becomes happy. And then always around 12:00  he becomes hungry. But everyone thinks he is smart because he brings in his lunch when he works. When it is getting to close to the end of the day at work he gets nervous because he does not know if he will get to pick up his son form school in time.  But once they get together they go to the park to have some fun with each other. Once they get home they both become lazy from a hard day and watch tv until dinner then they get depressed that the day has ended. But bob is very functional with juggling his work life and his life with his son. But there are times were he feels introverted.

 What does the color blue mean? There is a lot of meaning to this color. I like to think it as whenever you feel down you tend to say that I feel blue.  Like right now I feel blue because I have to go to work after school today and I have to tell them I am putting in my two weeks. They are not going to be very happy with me because I will be hard to replace. But my new job is going to be much better.

Couscous- it’s so good they had to name it twice
Vague- does not mean a whole lot.
Wonky-twisted on one side.
Bypass- taking the easy way out.
Lethargic- deficient in alertness
Hero-personal character displays courage and self-sacrifice
Strength-quality being strong
Boredom-emotional state being left without anything to do
Learn-act of knowledge
 Ignorant-lack of knowledge about lack of information 
Yammering- a person that goes on and on
Deranged- word to describe myself in a joking way.
Plunged a word who someone takes a deep fall
Ballistic- seams to go a massive tantrum about something
Buffon-some who is funny
Rebellion- uprising, or insurrection is a refusal of obedience or order. It may, therefore, be seen as encompassing a range of behaviors aimed at destroying something or someone.
Revolution-something that comes after someone rebels
Todopo- any new word that is put together by two other words.
Catawampus-synonym for an askew
Awesome- means you are in awe of something
Green- peaceful and refreshing
Music-expression conventionally and in the auditory medium
Sleep- transcendence- feeling of utopia when you find a comfy position
Air- freshness nature camping with family
Arithmetic- infinity unrestrained
                Fear is a very weird thing top talk about because we all have it no matter what it is. But they come in all different shapes and sizes. But my greatest fear is heights. But however I am getting over that fear very quick because I am constantly going up on high things and just by doing that I am getting over my fear of heights.

Man this a very cool thing if I had this power. Probably the first thing I would do is sneak in a baseball game for free and eat as much food for free, but that probably won’t happen Because there is no such thing that any power like that is possible but I wish that was. Do you know how much stuff that you can do with that it would be very awesome?

Something I like to talk about
Something I like to talk about is sports. I dosent have to be just one specific sportit can any sport but the one sport I cant talk about is soccer that is just really boring. But I am not saying that it is easy its very hard. I could not run for 90 minutes going up and down the field all night long. But I could probably handle the goaling postion because I like being on the spot and I do well under pressure.

What if
What if? What if I was very smart and intelligent I did not have to go to school and I could just get a fantastic job without becoming so far in debt that it is going to take me 20 years to get out. Man that is going to suck just by thinking about it. What if all that was possible my life would be a lot easy in life. I would not be strugging with money because I would not be in college.

Whats in the way
College is in the way for many reasons. The most important reason college is in the way is that I could not work as much as I wont to. If I could I would work like 50 hours a week but I can only handle 40 hours a week while going to school full time. That is a struggle right now because my life is so busy I don’t really have time for anything I don’t like it I am ready to be done with college.

  • Which in class writing was your favorite? Why?
    • my favorite thing to write about was the trait paragraph because you can make up any thing that you want.
  • Which in class writing was your least favorite? Why?
    • Blue: becuase there is not much to go on with the color blue and i was very stumped on that one i did not have much to say with that.
  • Review all your writing chronologically (earliest to latest). List three interesting observations or changes in your writing. Which are the most profound (obvious and important)? Why?
    • one thing that i found out within my writings is that my stuff got more and more specific as i was going one. that is because i was inttrested in what we were talking about. 
  • If you could change anything about your writing this semester what would it be? Why?
    • one thing that i could change is that i wish i would have written a little more then just one paragraph the reason for that is because i type slow.
  • What did you like best about this course?
    • i like all of the creative writing we did and all of the activiteis we did together.
  • What did you like least about this course?
    • at the same time i don't like writing a lot i just like cooking.
  • What would you have done differently this semester if you could have a do-over?
    • One thing that i would have changed is that i should have done all of my free writes on to this computer so that i would have had them all when i needed them.
  • What did learn about yourself as a student, a thinker, a writer this semester?
    • what i learned about my self was that i found out i work well under pressure i know that is not a good thing to find out but when you work 40+ hours a week and going to school full time you kind of have to work well under pressure.
  • What could I, Ms. A., have done differently to improve the course?
    • one thing that i would do is wtite a little more essays.
  • You begin this course with an engagement and participation score of an A.  Attendance, participation in activities and group work help you to maintain this grade.  Evaluate yourself and assign yourself a grade for the in class portion of this course.  Don’t forget the reasoning behind your self assigned grade. i would grade my self with a b because i would parcitpate in everything that we would do but i did miss a couple of days so that is were i would give my self a b. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice reflection and thank you for your feedback. The best thing about teaching is revising what I do. Have a great summer. Ms. A.
